Chances and dangers of social networks in educational contexts

Round Table „Social Net(work)s in Education and Language Sciences“, June 15, 2018, Heidelberg School of Education. From Cord Santelmann.

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“The Transformation of Education and Democracy”

My purpose for meeting Professor Ball was to learn more about the highly controversial school reforms and developments in England, as these are very similar to changes being made in the German-speaking part of Europe, though the process in England is at a much later stage.

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The Myth of Chinese Super Schools

Diane Ravitchs rezensiert Yong Zhaos Buch „Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Dragon?” und stellt dessen Analysen in den bildungspolitischen Kontext der USA.

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Why is American teaching so bad?

Jonathan Zimmerman rezensiert drei aktuelle Publikationen zur Lehrerbildung in den USA. Dabei werden nicht nur historische Entwicklungen nachgezeichnet, sondern vor allem aktuelle Zustände analysiert.

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A standardized studio? Art and art education under pressure from economization

First of all I would like to thank you very much for the invitation to this conference. It’s an honour and a pleasure to speak to so many colleagues from different countries. The theme of this conference is very important and urgently needs to be discussed. All the more as many of my German colleagues do not realize what is happening to our education system and how its economization poses a threat not only to art education.

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Quality management by marking schemes dumping

It has long been all over town: The methods of alleged “quality management” in education do not lead to greater knowledge and skills, rather they conceal the fact that students know less and are capable of less. Ever more beginners, particularly in the natural sciences, lack basic knowledge and skills to successfully take up and complete their studies.

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Education as a Commodity

Published in German under the title: Ware Bildung, Schule und Universität unter dem Diktat der Ökonomie (Hugendubel, Munich/Kreuzlingen, 2007) this book provides a detailed analysis of the hidden agenda behind Germany’s on-going process of educational reform. In today’s schools, teachers and students are bearing the brunt of constant PISA studies and comparative testing to measure the country’s international standing in education.

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We write to you in your capacity as OECD’s director of the Programme of International Student Assessment (PISA).

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From Yardstick to Hegemony

How the OECD uses PISA to enforce a new concept of education Not only do the PISA studies and their results determine how future generations are educated but one yardstick alone measures and evaluates the abilities and skills – in newspeak competencies – of students from over 30 countries.

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