Veröffentlicht am 19.03.18
“The Transformation of Education and Democracy”
A Talk with Prof. Stephen Ball at University College London, October 2017
Stephen Ball is Karl Mannheim Professor of Sociology of Education at the Institute of Education, University College London.
Some of his recent publications are Networks, New Governance and Education (Stephen J. Ball & Carolina Junemann, The Policy Press, Bristol 2012), Global Education Inc. – New Policy Networks and The Neo-Liberal Imaginary (Stephen Ball, Routledge NY, 2012), Policy Paper – Education, Justice and Democracy: The struggle over ignorance and opportunity (Stephen Ball, Center for Labour and Social Studies, London 2013), World Yearbook of Education 2015: Elites, Privilege and Excellence: The National and Global Redefinition of Advantage (Agnes Van Zanten & Stephen J. Ball (Hrsg.), Routledge NY 2015).
My purpose for meeting Professor Ball was to learn more about the highly controversial school reforms and developments in England, as these are very similar to changes being made in the German-speaking part of Europe, though the process in England is at a much later stage. Stephen Ball is one of the most renowned English professors of education who have been doing comprehensive research into the international background of these ‚reforms‘, which involve many large firms in the ‘global education industry’ together with international organizations such as the OECD. All of these organizations are promoting the mingling of public services (state schools) with the private interests of investors and, in doing so, they are redefining education to establish it as just another lucrative market for big business. Prof. Ball is a distinguished researcher and expert on studies concerning the provenance of this ‚reform‘ agenda, which has been implemented in all European countries within the last 20 years at least. In Switzerland, Austria and Germany we hear very little about such studies, although the knowledge and insight they provide would be of great importance in the discussions about the necessity and the spirit of these so-called reforms.
Read more: Kissling – Interview Stephen Ball
Tags: Bildungsreformen - Ein internationales Phänomen > Digitalisierung > OECD > Ökonomisierung des Bildungswesens > Testindustrie